Monday, April 13, 2009

The Basics

Just like anything else today, I think the basics need to be addressed when talking about printing. Most people at home think they can design anything they want on their home computer and the printing company down the street can print it. WRONG!

Just like any other industry, their are special tools required to produce a good quality print job. Most of the software required is too expensive for "Joe Shmoe" to go out and buy to design his lawn service business cards. So, what options are there? Here are a couple.

Pay a free lance graphic designer or most printing companies can design in house. From my experience many graphic designers set the printers up for failure. Many times they will create something totally sweet looking, but it is near impossible to produce. Most of the time the in house designer at your local printing company will design around the capabilities of that particular shop. When considering these options, a good deal for a graphic designer is $100/hour, while the option below is FREE!

Another option is to use a design feature from an online printing company. By doing this you can design the artwork from the comfort of your home and in your time frame. A couple example sites are and Lee Printing Co. Obviously I'm bias. There are about a bazilion online printing companies, be careful with just choosing the cheapest one.

So before starting a printing project talk to someone who knows what they are talking about. I'm always around to answer any questions.